Event Date: 4/27/2024 Do you know the term "Chazen Ichimi"? It conveys the profound connection between Zen and the Japanese tea ceremony. The tea ceremony, also known as the "Chano Yu (Way of Tea)," is often referred to as Moving Meditation, hinting at its association with Zen.
An event embodying this concept took place on April 27th at the Japan Society Gallery in New York, in conjunction with the "None Whatsoever: Zen Paintings from the Gitter-Yelen Collection" exhibition, which runs until June 16th. During this event, the Omotesenke Domonkai Eastern Region USA performed a demonstration of the tea ceremony.
The day began with a discussion on the connection between Zen and the tea ceremony, followed by a demonstration where two participants experienced the role of guests on tatami mats. All attendees were served seasonal wagashi (Japanese sweets) shaped like irises, along with thin tea, immersing them in the atmosphere of a tea gathering in the season of fresh greenery. Explanations were provided on the roles of the tea utensils and the importance of hanging scrolls, and a lively Q&A session ensued. Many expressed a desire to revisit the exhibition, indicating a newfound appreciation for Zen hanging scrolls.
We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with the Japan Society on this event. Through continued exchanges like this, we hope to deepen public interest in Japanese culture further. 茶禅一味という言葉をご存知ですか? 禅と茶の湯の深淵なるつながりを伝えるものです。また、茶の湯の点前は、Moving Meditationとも言われ、禅との関わりを示唆しています。
それを体現するイベントとして、4月27日にニューヨークのJapan Society ギャラリーで開催されている「None Whatsoever: Zen Paintings from the Gitter-Yelen Collection」展との特別共催イベントで、表千家同門会東部支部が茶道のデモンストレーションを行いました。この展示は6月16日まで開催されています。
この度のイベントを通じて、Japan Society様との貴重なコラボレーションを果たすことができたことを心から感謝申し上げます。今後もこのような交流を通して、市民の皆様の日本文化への興味がさらに深まることを願っております。