Event Date: 05/28/2023
The University of Washington Chanoyu Club conducted two tea gatherings for the school year-end.
It was a sunny beautiful blue sky day in May in Seattle. The first seating was for the guests, Mr. Junichi Sumi from the Seattle Consulate of Japan, Professor Ms. Itsuko Nishikawa of the Japanese Language Department of UW, and Ms. Mira Pomeranz from the Hyoko prefecture Office in Seattle.
The second seating was for the members. The members graduating in June served tea to newly elected officers for the new school year.
Everyone gave a speech at the end. Everyone expressed how much they appreciated being in the club and how meaningful friendships were created there, and they enjoyed the Ichigo Ichie moment.
茶会の一席目は、シアトル総領事館の角潤一・首席領事、UW 日本語学科・西川伊都子教授、ワシントン兵庫県事務所・ミラ ポメランツ所長補佐にご臨席いただき卒業生がお相伴しました。終了後には、それぞれの来賓からお祝いと励ましのお言葉を頂戴しました。
