Event Date: 4/15/2024
We introduced Hakobi Temae to 25 students and faculty members at St. Joseph's University in Long Island. We also showed how the Japanese Tea Ceremony is related to Zen after the presentation made by one of the students.
Everyone had a chance to see and understand the importance of Wa, Kei, Sei, and Jyaku in the Japanese Tea Ceremony through the explanation of movements of the Teishu, Shokyaku, and Jikyaku and enjoyed cherry blossom sweets and a bowl of matcha tea.
We received so many questions from students. One of the students' feedback was, "I learned that drinking tea not only has physical benefits but also has a very positive effect on mental health." That was precisely what the school wanted to introduce to students. We are glad we were able to coordinate with the school to achieve this goal and look forward to the next event we will do together again.
新築キャンパスにあるAuditoriumでデモを開催。まずは生徒による”Mindfulness and Tea Ceremony”に関するプレゼンテーションで茶道と穏やかな精神の関係を紹介。続いて我々による簡単な禅と茶道の歴史的なつながり、そして茶道の中でどのように禅の精神が保たれているかを説明し、実際にデモをMCによる説明を加えながら見学してもらう。その後の質疑応答では多くの学生から多岐に渡る質問が時間制限ギリギリまで出た。生徒はそれと同時に「桜」をテーマにした和菓子とお抹茶も(もちろん)楽しんでいた。たくさんのフィードバックの中でも「抹茶が健康的に良いもの、というだけではなく、茶道が精神的にもよいものというのを今回学ぶことができた」というコメントがあり、当学校の趣旨と合ったイベントが達成できたことが証明。今後も引き続き当学校でのデモが生徒だけでなく、我々も楽しみである。
