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Kyoto Night at University Washington - The first Chanoyu Presentation by UW Chanoyu Club

Event Date: 12/20/2021

UW (University of Washington) Chanoyu Club gave the first presentation to UW students at the Event called "Kyoto night." This event was hosted by JAS (Japanese Student Association) to introduce Japanese cultural clubs, such as Shougi(将棋), Igo (囲碁 Japanese board games), Judo, anime, etc. to UW students.

The instructor in charge of this Chanoyu Club was not able to help that evening because of a previous engagement. So Chanoyu Club members set up the pop-up tearoom all by themselves.

They did a great job and introduced Chanoyu to over 80 students. I am very proud of the club members, especially their club president.

シアトルのワシントン大学に在籍する日本人学生で構成・運営されている「日本人学生会」が主催する「日本を紹介するKyoto Night」という催しを開催し、ワシントン大学 茶の湯クラブが初めてこの「Kyoto Night」イベントで茶の湯を紹介しました。将棋や囲碁、アニメなど、それぞれのクラブ活動を行っている部員たちが、その活動紹介を通じて日本文化の発信を一般学生に向けて行うイベントです。



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